Add a custom field for age verification 18 years and older

I made a birthday field in the register form of the user… I need help on where (in which files) can I put the check for the age, if it is 18 years and older, I have the implementation of this check, but I don’t know exactly where to put this to make the check when the user registers…

i added this code to make the field for the birthday in the register form inside user_register.php file:

'birthday' => [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Birthday', 'hivepress' ),
                      'type' => 'date', // Use 'date' type for a date picker
                      'required' => true,
                      'max_length' => 64,
                      '_order' => 40,

I have the implementation for the check:
// Custom validation for the birthday field add_filter
( 'hivepress/v1/models/user/validate', 
   function( $errors, $fields, $values ) { 
             if ( isset( $values['birthday'] ) ) { 
            // Convert the birthday to a timestamp 
             $birthday = strtotime( $values['birthday'] );

             // Check if the date conversion failed 
             if ( !$birthday ) { 
                     $errors[] = esc_html__( 'Invalid birthday format.', 'hivepress' ); } 
             else {
                    // Calculate the age 
                    $age = ( time() - $birthday ) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 ); 
              // Check if the age is less than 18 
              if ( $age < 18 ) { 
                    $errors[] = esc_html__( 'You must be at least 18 years old.', 'hivepress' ); 
      return $errors; 

I think this is not correct ‘hivepress/v1/models/user/validate’ and i need help on where to put this code to make the check when the user registers.

Thank you,
George Kyritsis.

Please try adding this field as a custom attribute in Users/Attributes. If you mark it as Editable and Required, it’ll appear in the registration form. Then you can use the hivepress/v1/models/user/validate action to check the value, e.g.:


Replace “birth_date” with the attribute field name. The second argument for the hook callback is the $user object so you can use it this way and add an error to the filtered errors array and return it.

Hope this helps

Can you give me a more detailed solution because I cannot understand exactly everything, maybe an example with the code will help, because I am not familiar with PHP.

Thank you!

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Sorry for the late reply, for some reason this topic wasn’t assigned to me on time.

I recommend adding a custom Date attribute in Users/Attributes and mark it Editable and Required (then it’ll appear in the registration form), e.g. name it Date of Birth. Then you can use hivepress/v1/forms/user_register/errors hook (for example) to check the entered value, and if the entered date is less than 18 years ago you can add a custom error. Here’s a similar code snippet for the same hook Restrict email domains for newly registered users #hivepress #users · GitHub