Add custom link to Bookings page

Hi there,
I want to display a custom link on the booking page, how can I do that?

Idea is to add a link to additional documents in Google Drive here. Is there a snippet I can use?


You can add it by using bookings attributes: How to add booking attributes - HivePress Help Center.

Great, thanks. How can I make that a variable value that depends on the vendor? I guess there is a snippet for that?

If you insert a custom template part or just HTML code to the hivepress/v1/templtes/booking_view_page template, then it should have the $booking object available, and you can get vendor this way:


This way you can fetch vendor details, or add conditions based on vendor fields, e.g.:


Hope this helps

P.S. Please consider hiring a freelance developer for implementing this Experts | HivePress because the feature (uploading files via Google Drive API and then sharing them automatically) is pretty complex. While we can help with some guidance, unfortunately, we can’t provide ready-made code snippets regarding this or debug third-party custom code because this is beyond the theme support scope (it includes fixing bugs in the existing features and guidance about the existing features).

Thanks Ihor, that seems like a good approach. Are you sure the $booking object is available? As it seems I get an error everytime I try to get data from it.

    function ($args) {
		$listing = $booking->get_listing();
		$vendor_id = $listing->get_user__id();
			return hivepress()->template->merge_blocks(
				'page_content' => [
                        'blocks' => [
                            'booking_details_primary' => [
                                'blocks' => [

                                    'new_element' => [
                                        'label' => 'Archivos',
                                        'type'      => 'content',
										'content' => '<div>Custom text</div>',
                                        'attributes' => [
                                            'id' => 'booking_details_primary',


Please try using the hivepress/v1/templates/booking_view_page/blocks hook instead Filter: hivepress/v1/templates/{template_name}/blocks | HivePress Hook Reference then the first function argument is $blocks (so you can add new blocks or change the existing ones and return $blocks at the end of the function), and the second one is $template, this way you get context variables from the template, for example:


Thanks Ihor, that worked. Below my code for anybody wanting to do something similar:

	function($blocks, $template){
		$booking = $template->get_context('booking');
			return $blocks;
		$listing = $booking->get_listing();
			return $blocks;
		$vendor = $listing->get_vendor();
			return $blocks;
		$vendor_id = $listing->get_user__id();
		$user = $listing->get_user();
		$vendor_name = $user->get_display_name();

		$template->set_context('vendor', $vendor);
		return hivepress()->template->merge_blocks(

                                   'new_element' => [
                                        'label' => 'Archivos',
                                        'type'      => 'content',
										'content' => '<div><a href="'. $vendor_id.'" target=”_blank”"><button type="submit" class="hp-form__button button-primary alt button hp-field hp-field--submit" data-component="button" data-icon="arrow-right"><span>Archivos de '.$vendor_name.'</span></button></a></div>',
										'_order'   => 30,


I managed to use YOURSL as a custom URL for the file folders.