Add listing form customization attribute sequence

  1. I created categories & some attributes added to that categories.( max 10 attribute data he need to fill ) . When new user want to add listing he come to listing page & fill the details but I want images to be added at last of page, but ’ add images ’ shown below the category due to this some visitor come upload images & the leaves the site without filling data . due to this site space is getting full without any content to front end user.

  2. If any listing is rejected then still that images are saved on server. How can I reject the listing & after that any content added by that user will be removed . consider when site gets 10K listings or ads per day about 7K are just spammers come to promote XXX content n links. How can I remove such content automatic. Currently I am looking each image in media library n then remove it .

  3. Adding word filter for ’ listings ’ n ’ vendors ’ profile info. People create accounts just to spam many times or getting back links from my domain. How can I filter xxx, com, https, http ,www, these words in listings & vendor profiles.

  4. How ’ message ’ & favorites ’ option can be shown on page secondary or page primary block only because n front look user neither can decide whether he like listing or not but these two things just use space on block primary .


  1. You can customize the listing submission form via templates in HivePress > Templates section How to customize templates - HivePress Help Center or in the way shown in this video Customizing Templates I HivePress Developer Docs - YouTube

  2. Thanks for your suggestion, we’ll consider adding such a feature.

3-4) There’s no simple snippet to do that and it will require further customization< please consider hiring someone on Fiverr to help you.

  1. I am not talking about user end look. I need to arrange listing form attributes sequence updown . i.e Title at top, after that location , then description & images at almost last. Just spammers come & dump their pics n goes away without filling form. Zero control from my end . At least some snippet to add ’ images ’ at the end of form

  2. Ok… but it’s necessary

  3. bad word filter is most required feature without this no mean to spend money on marketing to get spams only.

  4. ’ message ’ & favorites ’ I shall disable because at block primary it just takes space.

Just spammer’s favorite location without any filter. They upload, post links & site owner need to check each listing manually. It’s nothing mean to grow site in such condition. Currently traffic is less but still daily 10 ads need to check manually . If traffic goes higher zero control over script .


  1. Please try to change the order using this PHP code snippet Change the description field order in the listing edit form #hivepress #listings · GitHub

  2. If you mean simply removing Messages and Favorite “icons” from the block, you can use this CSS code snippet

.hp-listing--view-block .hp-listing__actions--primary .hp-listing__action:not(:last-child){display:none}
.hp-listing--view-block .hp-listing__actions--primary .hp-listing__action{display:none}
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  1. I want to change order of ’ add images ’ option only & it should be at last of page . Other fields are ok . I tried above code but didn’t helped out .
  1. Thanks I shall try same

You can try this snippet, but for “images” instead of “description” Change the description field order in the listing edit form #hivepress #listings · GitHub

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