Best permalink settings

What are the best permalink practices to help in SEO and as well as keeping the website maintenance friendly.

Just recently I installed the google site kit and added my sitemap to the Google Search console. Initially Google couldn’t read the map url as displayed by YoastSEO (it was displayed as but when I changed it to " " it worked! I.e. I only had to remove the “index.php” part of the sitemap url and then Google could read the sitemap. I have a feeling that it has got something to do with my permalink settings but just wanted to check with you guys here before I go about playing with those. Current settings are “Custom”

Thanks for all the help by far guys! You are the best!

Please consider using one of the existing structures (any structure of your choice with %postname%), or a custom one:


I don’t recommend including the index.php file name.

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