Bookings View Page - Sorting Order

I was playing around with the code a bit in my limited PHP literacy to see what it all does. I change the piece of code I found in the hivepress-bookings\includes\components\class-booking.php file to DESC and noticed it just swaps the bookings status orders (post-status), so cancelled bookings are first followed by completed and then the bookings requiring some action to complete are last, which isn’t what any of us want either, so that’s the wrong piece of code to change to DESC.

I then found another topic on the community How to rearrange, orders, bookings and messages that relates to the same in a way, so I tried Yevhen’s code snippet that he posted in the topic and changed the order to DESC. It then changes the sorting order correctly so the newest bookings are at the top but it removes the booking status groupings, as it then mixes the bookings requiring some action to complete, the completed and cancelled bookings.

So is there any suspected ETA to fixing the bookings orders but still keeping them grouped by status or can someone Team HP side help all us PHP illiterates by combining Yevhen’s code snippet that orders by date but needs to be set to DESC and should run after the code in the hivepress-bookings\includes\components\class-booking.php file that sorts by date but needs to be changed to sort DESC?

That way it will first sort by post_status in ACS order followed by the post date in DESC order, which is what we all seem to be wanting. Users then won’t need to use the pagination to get to the last page and scroll to the bottom of the last page to see their newest/latest bookings, which is not the greatest UX a user would ideally need to see the bookings needing some action to complete first, that I agree with, but the latest/newest bookings at the top of each booking status group.

Yevhen’s code snippet that needs to be changed to DESC

remove_filter( 'posts_orderby', [ hivepress()->booking, 'set_booking_order' ], 10, 2 );

	function ( $orderby, $query ) {
		if ( $query->get( 'post_type' ) === 'hp_booking' && $query->get( 'hp_sort' ) ) {
			$orderby = 'post_date ASC, ' . $orderby;

		return $orderby;

And the code block in the hivepress-bookings\includes\components\class-booking.php file that needs to stay ASC order

	 * Sets booking order.
	 * @param string   $orderby ORDER BY clause.
	 * @param WP_Query $query Query object.
	 * @return string
	public function set_booking_order( $orderby, $query ) {
		if ( $query->get( 'post_type' ) === 'hp_booking' && $query->get( 'hp_sort' ) ) {
			$orderby = 'post_status ASC, ' . $orderby;

		return $orderby;