Yes. Here is the code snippet to put a header before the listing description:
function( $template ) {
return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
'blocks' => [
'page_content' => [
'blocks' => [
'listing_description_title' => [
'type' => 'content',
'content' => '<h6 class="hp-section__title">Put your custom title here</h6>',
'_order' => 0,
Change and input your title above, for example if you just want it to say description, then write that there. Also, if you want the header bigger change it from h6 to h1 (It ranges in sizes from h1, h2, h3, until h6). Last thing you can change the order number in the code to rearrange where you want it. 0 will make it be all the way on top of the page. The higher the number the lower it will move it down in the page.
Here is the code snippet to put the listing description on the top:
function ($template){
return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
'blocks' => [
'page_description' => [
'_order' => '1',
Hope this helps!