Can't change placeholder in the location search box

Thanks for the feedback, the developer docs may be limited now and we’ll try to improve them. In any case, it’s better to ask (e.g. your developers could ask this in the Development forum section) because copying the form HTML completely is a bad practice, it becomes unlinked from all the API hooks.

For example, if we add some fixes or improvements like the search auto-suggestions feature later it will not be added to your form, you’d have to maintain and edit this HTML code. Also, if we later change something in the search parameters and rely on this in the HivePress back-end functions (while adding these parameters to the HivePress search form), your form may become broken since it will not get these new parameters.

The copied static HTML form also becomes out of our support scope. You can see this with the placeholder example - it got unlinked from HivePress hooks and Loco stops working so you have to reach out to third-party developers to change this.

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