Change labels and add descriptions to the built-in fields

When posting a job as an employer on the front end I can see the headings “Title”, “Category” and “Images” as well as the other job attributes I’ve added myself.

How do I edit the title, category, images text?

And add descriptive text under them as I can with my attributes?

Post as per Ihor’s request who suggested there’s a code snippet to share.

Hi - any chance I can get this code snippet please.

  1. Please use Loco Translate to change any static text without code customizations How to translate HivePress - HivePress Help Center The texts are located in Loco Translate/Plugins/HivePress, or other sections depending on context. Make sure to select the Custom location instead of Author while adding a language file.

  2. Please try this PHP snippet

	function( $form ) {
		  $form['fields']['images']['description'] = 'custom text here';
			$form['fields']['categories']['description'] = 'custom text here';
			$form['fields']['title']['description'] = 'custom text here';

		return $form;
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Thanks I’ll give this a go.

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