Change Reply to Lisitng Position

Hello, I would like to change the Reply to List position on Listing Page, move it under the vendor so it separates better from the buy button.

I found the code to move the vendor position, but wasnt able to put it in the middle between the buy now and the reply to listing.

This is the code, I tried using different orders but without success

	function( $template ) {
		return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
				'blocks' => [
					'listing_vendor' => [
						'_order' => 5,

I am trying to do this, what is the order or the correct code? Thanks

Please try this PHP snippet

	function ($template){
		if ( !hivepress()->get_version( 'messages' ) ) {
			return $template;
		return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
				'blocks' => [
					'listing_actions_primary' => [
						'blocks' => [
							'message_send_link' => [
								'type' => 'content',
					'page_sidebar' => [
						'blocks' => [
							'message_send_link' => [
								'type'   => 'part',
								'path'   => 'listing/view/page/message-send-link',
								'_order' => 40,
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Hello @yevhen , it works, thank you!

The only dettail is that it shows “half”, it doesnt fill all the column. Is there a way for it to be the same as buy now buttom as size? Thanks!

Take a look:

Please try this CSS snippet

.hp-template--listing-view-page .hp-listing__action--message{
	width: 100%;	

thank you @yevhen now it is perfect!
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

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