Change text of Filter button

Was using LocoTranslate to try to change the text of the Filter button from Filter to Find, and I found it in the main HivePress, or so I thought. So I changed it to Find, saved it, cleared cache, went back to my screen and refreshed and still seeing it say Filter.

Wondering if I looked in the wrong place inside of Loco.

Please make sure that there are no customizations that may cause this issue, we make sure that 100% of the strings are translatable. For example, this issue may occur if you replace the HivePress search filters form with a static HTML form.

I tried following the steps from the screencast locally and it seems to be ok:

Ah, I think I figured this out. I saw from the screen shot you had (Other) instead of Author or System. Didn’t see that option, but I did see Custom, which I hadn’t created. Now that I did, the change took effect.

What’s the difference between the three?

Please always select the Custom option because it stores the translation form outside of the theme/extension directories, if you choose the Author location then any changes will be reset on updates Adding a language - Loco

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