Change the text in order page


On the view order page /account/vendor/orders/3014/ for the person listing and receiving an order and then viewing the order details I would like the following text to show instead of Subtotal and Total. I would like it to say “Subtotal with fees” and “Total earnings”.


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Please try to use Loco Translate How to translate an extension - HivePress Help Center.
You can find these strings in Loco Translate > Plugins > WooCommerce.

Hey Andrii,

We don’t want to use loco translate because that will change the wording everywhere. We just want to change the wording on this specific route /account/vendor/orders/xxxx/


Unfortunately, we can’t offer you another option because these are WooCommerce strings.

Can’t we just have a functions.php similar to how we modify this one on one specific page?

 function( $routes ) {
   return $routes;
  $routes['user_edit_settings_page']['title'] = 'Primary Account Settings';

  return $routes;

 function( $menu ) {
  if(!isset($menu['items']['user_edit_settings'] )){
   return $menu;
  $menu['items']['user_edit_settings'] = array_merge($menu['items']['user_edit_settings'], [
   'label'  => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'settings' ),

  return $menu;


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