Create registration pages linket to WooCommerce products


If one creates a page for “REGISTRATIONS” linked to the same “products” created for packages with Paid Listing direct through woocommerce ? WILL THIS WORK in the same manner ?

I’m trying to create the “REGISTRATION” or “PAY FOR A SERVICE” prior to creating the advert. This way you get to see the prices on offer before placing an advert As it is at the moment no sees the price until after the advert is created. This could possibly waste of time.


If I understood you correctly, the easiest option is to create a page with Paid Listings packages and add it, for example, to the header, so that the client can go to and view this page.

OK sound good Just needed to confirm. They can use that link in the header to pay for the package and after go to ADD LISTING and add their listing


Yes, you can add a Listings Packages block to a custom page, then the user can buy a package without adding a listing.

But when adding a listing, the Select Package page will be displayed after Add Details; unfortunately, the order cannot be changed.

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