Customize the booking block and page

Is it possible to edit this template? For example add image of the listing / description etc…

And also single booking view page, is it possible to edit this template too? And add similar things?

Yes, if you add custom listing attributes you can assign them to specific display areas. Also, you can re-build the booking page completely in HivePress/Templates, but if you mean embedding listing details into the booking page this may require customizations.

	function( $template ) {
		return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
							'blocks' => [
								'booking_container' => [
									'blocks' => [
										'booking_content' => [
														'booking_title_test' => [
										'type'   => 'part',
										'path'   => 'booking/view/block/booking-title',
										'_order' => 20,


Is this the correct way to add something with snippet into booking view page? I mean into this part

Yes, you can insert custom HTML into the booking blocks using snippets like this one, you can also use the “content” block type instead of “part” to provide HTML directly to the parameter instead of creating template parts (if there’s a simple HTML code).

Hi @ihor
Please kindly explain how you can rebuild the booking page via Hivepress/Templates. I do not see this option. I only see “Add new template” and this takes me to “Add new post” page


You can override the template by selecting the template you need on the right sidebar and customizing the blocks on it as shown in a tutorial Overview | HivePress Templates - YouTube
Please note that in the future you may need extra customizations.

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