Customize the vendor page layout

Is possible show the information´s host (Profile) to other way using CSS? I try load it using CSS but the page dont show the changes.

I need to display the information as seen in the image.

If you mean customizing the vendor page layout, there are 2 ways to do this:

  • Using the code customizations (if you just need to change the column width, I recommend using CSS)

  • Using the Templates feature, you can override this layout completely, here’s an example showing how to override the Listings page template Overview | HivePress Templates - YouTube

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Hi ihor,

  1. Add the css to customize but don’t grab the changes.
    These are the styles i added

/*Host profile space size*/
@media only screen and (min-width: 48em)
.hp-col-sm-4 {
  flex-basis: 50%!important;
  max-width: 48.333333%!important;

/*Host profile ad space size*/
@media only screen and (min-width: 48em)
.hp-col-sm-8 {
    -ms-flex-preferred-size: 66.66666667%;
    flex-basis: 66.66666667%;
    max-width: 43.666667% !important;
  1. Create the template as indicated in the video, but how do I configure it to call the host I am requesting and its services?
    or do I have to create a template per host.?
  1. Please try this CSS snippet but please note that it can require further customization. If you are not familiar with code customization then please consider hiring someone for custom work
@media screen and (min-width: 48em){
	.hp-template--vendor-view-page aside, .hp-template--vendor-view-page .hp-page__content{
		-ms-flex-preferred-size: 50% !important;
    flex-basis: 50% !important;
    max-width: 50% !important;
  1. Please try to use HivePress blocks as shown in the video. These blocks will generate information for each vendor automatically

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