Display sign in link


Could you please provide the code that only displays the sign in link if the user is not logged in and then the user name when he is logged in.

I found the following code:

<?php echo apply_filters( 'hivetheme/v1/areas/site_header', '' ); ?>

Unfortunately it displays the whole header area including the Add request and Submit a Property link. I need the code for the sign in / username link only.

Thank you

If you mean to hide all menu items, Add Listing and Post a Request buttons and leave an only the sign-in link for non-logged users and username for logged-in users, then please try this CSS snippet

.header-navbar__burger, .header-navbar__menu, .hp-menu--site-header .hp-menu__item--listing-submit, .hp-menu--site-header .hp-menu__item--request-submit{
	display: none;
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