Email display userinfo shortcodes

Where can i find a list of available shortcodes to use in emails like %user_name%
I try to find the available ones to create like email verification emails and other setups but i can force verification when i dont even find a anyplace to set correct link to send in the email.

Hopefully it exxist at least shortcodes to display name, username, directlink to the listing and a page to verify the email for new users.

Is this something anyone know where to find and can direct me to?

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Sorry, there’s no reference at the moment (mostly because shortcodes are used as a fallback for any other editor than Gutenberg or Elementor), but each block registered by HivePress has a shortcode (the shortcode name is a lowercase block name), for example:


But, if you mean the tokens you specify when you overwrite an email, they are displayed in the details section after selecting an email event and pressing the publish button.

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