Great new updates! A few questions

Good to see some improvements being released. I especially like the implementation of “Categorys” drop down when creating a listing. (I had it previously with a snippet, but prefere to have it in vanilla).

However, when editing the listing, the same dropdown showing “Categorys” does not appear. I think you forgot to add this function to the editing form aswell, or was it intended? Maybe a quick fix next update?

some of the other updates, I don’t quiet understand. Would you be so kind as to explaining it?


  • Added auto-rendering for meta boxes and forms (What does this one do? What does it mean?)
  • Added field for editing the attribute name (Where do I find it? Where is this editing function added?)
  • Added category selection drop-down for listings (Great!)


  • Added settings for editing URL slugs (Where can I find this?)
  • Added a new attributes block (Where can I find this?)
  • Added a shortcode for the HivePress menu (What is the shortcode, and what usecases does it have?)
  • Added vendor token to the listing title format (Can you explain?)
  • Added a new hook for the related listing query
  • Added a common CSS class for HivePress pages (So I’ve noticed that several pages in Taskhive has the searchbar fixed between the page content and header hero section. I had to fix this by removing the header hero section and adding some padding to the content to each page. Does this mean I can more easily fix and target the Hivepress pages? Any suggestion on how to do that? What is the CSS class?)
  • Added a form for getting feedback about HivePress
  • Fixed extension support links
  • Fixed HTML5 markup for pages
  • Fixed security issue with attachment uploads
  • Fixed extension mismatch issue with attachment validation
  • Fixed sending password with the registration email (Did it not work previously? What does this mean?)

Sorry for all the questions. Thank you.


Changing categories after the listing is approved is not planned at the moment, it also wasn’t available previously (with the old Select Category page).

This is the function that renders the form after the category is changed.

Now the attribute name can be set explicitly for new attributes, previously it was auto-generated based on the attribute title.

In Settings/Permalinks.

It’s a developer feature, will be used in future updates for adding custom display areas.

It’s [hivepress_menu], can be used only for third-party themes that don’t have HivePress buttons in the site header by default.

The title format for listings in HivePress/Settings/Listings/Display (used for auto-generating titles) now has the %vendor% token, so it’s possible to add the vendor details to the title format.

The common class for all HivePress pages is .hp-template

Sorry for the confusion - I meant removing the password token from the registration email by default, there were many complaints about this. If someone still needs this token it’s available for addition.

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