Header (featured) image resize

I’ve updated some plug ins and noticed that the header image (featured image) height has changed. It’s become very, very short from what it should be and I haven’t changed the images.

I’ve looked at settings and the forum but didn’t find my particular problem. Here’s an example.

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If you use a caching plugin (e.g. LiteSpeed), make sure that caching is disabled for logged-in users, and please try to refresh the cache

If the issue persists then please try this CSS snippet but please note that it can require further customization

	padding: 3rem 0 !important;

Thank you, using the CSS worked. Is there any way to customize the header images for just mobile? Currently they’re too big using the desktop size.

hey brother i saw that you header has slider of image, how you’d did that?

I used a sliding gallery element in Elementor. It’s only being used on the homepage.

Please try this CSS snippet to make changes only on mobile but please note that it can require further customization

@media screen and (max-width: 47.99em){
		padding: 3rem 0 !important;

That didn’t work, even with adjustments.

Please try to add custom CSS code snippets to Appearance/Customize/Additional CSS field.

This CSS snippet works for tablet and desktop

	padding: 3rem 0 !important;

This CSS snippet works for mobile

@media screen and (max-width: 47.99em){
		padding: 3rem 0 !important;

OK, that worked the second time. Thank you.

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