Hourly rate optional

Hello, is it possible to make the hourly rate optional ? so that some users specify their hourly rate and other users leave it empty ?

	function( $attributes ) {
		if ( isset( $attributes['price'] ) ) {
			$attributes['price']['edit_field']['required'] = false;
		return $attributes;

thank you very much.

muchas gracias. eres muy amable

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I’m sorry but it doesn’t work for me. It keeps asking me for the hourly rate.

Lo siento pero no me funciona. Me sigue pidiendo obligatoriamente la tarifa horaria

	function( $template ) {
		return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
				'blocks' => [
					'listing_attributes_primary' => [
						'_order' => '30',

Hola, encontre este tambien. No se si te va funcionar pero puedes tratar. Saludos

Hi, I found this one too. Not sure if it will work but you can try. Regards

Still not working, but thanks again.

Sigue sin funcionar, pero muchas gracias de nuevo.

Hi Ihor / Yevhen, do you know if it is possible to make the time tariff field optional?

Hola Ihor / Yevhen sabeis si se puede hacer ese campo de tarifa horaria opcional?

Please make sure that you don’t have the Hourly Rate attribute imported with the demo content in Listings/Attributes. In this case you can edit it directly in Listings/Attributes, but if you use Marketplace & Bookings then the Price field works as an hourly rate (e.g. if the time slot duration for this listing is set to 60 minutes) - then the code snippet suggested above should make this price field optional. If you mean the vendor profile field it’s probably a custom attribute in Vendors/Attributes.

Thank you iHor, as always excellent service.

Gracias iHor , como siempre excelente vuestra atención.

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