The icon I have associated with categories on the homepage are different than those in the demo? How to I get the ones in the demo or can I upload my own icons?
If you are refering to listing categories… well in listing categories.
Hi thank. you, I know where to find the icons but do not like the design and they do not match the design of the demo HiveExpert - can I upload my own icons or where do I find the ones in the demo?
Please clarify whether you imported the demo content after installing the theme. If you have, the icons should be automatically loaded and displayed on the homepage.
Yes I imported the demo content. The icons are displaying but they are not displaying in the same design as the demo content. Is there a way to change these icons?
In this image is the icon top from my site and icon below from the demo.
I see. Please send temporary WP access to with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it (please send only the link, without login and password). You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin |
Great, here is the link to login
Please note that you have about 65 third-party plugins, we recommend disabling all of them except HivePress, so that the icons will be displayed correctly. Also, please do not send a temporary link on the forum, but only to our email, as this forum is public.
Hi I have deactivated all the plugins. We do need elementor for our about us page to run and wp post grid plugin for design of the blog page.
The icons are still not showing up correctly after deactivating all these plugins.
Is there a way I can manually add new icons? Vs. the fa-fa icons?
Please try disabling Elementor for a moment to see if it changes the icons. If so, we will provide a solution and you can enable Elementor after that.
It’s a plugin called “The Post Grid” that makes a mess at redefining the icon library.
Remove it, or override this, replacing 6 by 5 (5 is HivePress’ original).
.fa-classic, .fa-regular, .fa-solid, .far, .fas {
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
Maybe you would need to force it, by adding !important
Also make sure you clear your cache (Ctrl+F5 keys should do).
Cheers !
I don’t think this is related to your icon problem.
Changing CSS do not cause this kind of errors.
Maybe try reinstalling your theme ?
Back up first, always !
This issue is directly related to your hosting provider, so we recommend contacting their support.