How to customize pages or templates

guys i need help i tried to contact support but its been 3 days so far with no reply i need to redsign my website i thought it support elementor but didnt work im now stuck with this i dont how to code i searched in youtube for costumasition of experthive theme i only find how to edit text and color

I have some ideas for updating the homepage design. I think we should change the header and adjust the position of the search bar. Also, I’d like to implement a feature where the category listings become interactive and hover when the mouse moves over them, how i can do this?

Maybe you should hire someone, if you can’t do it yourself.
My two cents.

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what if i want to do a refund of money because i cant hire someone how i can do it i tried to contact with the support but they still didnt answer me

Hello again,

Sorry, I am not part of the official support.
Just trying to be helpful, but apparently I am not.

Please note it’s sunday today. Most people are having a day off.

They will probably reply tomorrow.

thank you so much for your time i appreciate the help


This documentation provides instructions for customizing the home page: How to customize pages - HivePress Help Center. For more detailed information, please check out the theme course: The complete course on setting up ExpertHive - HivePress Help Center.
If your request is more specific and you want to change something on the homepage, please specify what you would like to change and we will try to help.