How to display sellers in the widget?

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to somehow bring sellers to the widget on the page with ads?


Please navigate to HivePress > Settings > Hosts > and enable Display hosts on the front-end feature.

You misunderstood me. I know how to display sellers in the plugin settings, I do not know how to display sellers in the side widget on the ads page. How can this be done?

This option is a default setting, if this is what you mean–>

Hi! But no. I’ll show you from the mobile version since it’s inconvenient for me to take screenshots from the computer. Since I have a site with dating ads, I created a page with new registered users and in the HivePress settings in the sellers section, I checked “Display sellers on the site”, I need to display them not in the upper and lower menus of the site on a separate page, but in the side widget on the page with ads. Is it possible to implement this? As in the screenshot, only not on the page, but in the side widget.

And please give me a link to your website if possible, I want to see how everything is arranged there and what your login and registration form looks like


Please check this doc How to customize templates - HivePress Help Center

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