"Images" field contains an invalid value

When a vendor tries to add a service, im getting the error “Images” field contains an invalid value.

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This happens when a user tries to “list a service”

this is a very old issue with JS image uploader and Auto-Drafts and still isnt solved yet.
As a temporary solution install “Advanced Database Cleaner” plugin and Clean All Auto-Drafts with it. It will solve your problem. But you will never know if this happens on some user again :frowning:

Advanced database cleaner is not supported on wordpress

With the problem i’m having, vendors cant create profiles. They just become users since they cant list a service.

Lol what? O_o i dont know why you cant install it. What version of WP you have? It works on my 5.9.3

I have that same version as well

This is the screen shot i had some WP support

@yevhen can you help me with this

Please make sure that there are no attributes in Listings/Attributes section that may conflict with the Images field name (this issue may occur if there’s an attribute named Images). You can also send a link to your site and/or temporary WP access via email to support@hivepress.io and I’ll check this issue for you.
It’s probably an auto-draft issue (conflict of drafts created via the back-end and front-end), I recommend testing this as a new user (log out, register and try to add a new listing).
Hope this helps.

I havent added attributes in conflict with the image field. I have sent you an email with the account sign in

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