Import listings with vendors with the plugin WP All Import

Hello, i’m trying to import listings with vendors from excel file. As I was able to understand from the discussions, the Import extension is not suitable for importing vendors. But WP All import is suitable for this. I tried, all the listings data was successfully imported, except for the vendor data.
Instead of the right vendors, my username is indicated everywhere, from which I downloaded the file.

I’ve tried using taxonomies hp_vendor, hp_vendor__name and so on

, but it doesn’t work, the plugin does not find such a field

, loads incorrectly.
How to import listings with vendors?
What taxonomy for vendors i should try for WP All Import?

Yes, in case of vendors unfortunately it’s not so easy. Vendors are implemented as parent posts of listings, vendor is “hp_vendor” post type and listing is a “hp_listing” post type, the vendor ID is set in the “post_parent” field of a listing. User set as “post_author” of the vendor profile is the user who is also set as the listing author and can edit the vendor profile and listing details. Please check if everything is mapped this way when you perform the import.

I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand how to import so that vendors are attached to the listings. What fields do I need to specify? Could you show a working example, please?
Here I made a simple template for import, here I specified the title and description, hp_vendor, post_parent, Post Author. But the vendors did not appear at the listings. How to do it right?

Sorry, I’m not fully familiar with WP All Import but others reported that it works fine, although it requires some setup. Vendors should be imported separately, since it’s a custom post type “hp_vendor” (in the same way as listings, it’s a “hp_listing” post type). Listings have vendors set as a post parent (in the “post_parent” field), and both listing and vendor should have the same user set as author (in the “post_author” field). Please also try sending this description to the WP All Import support, maybe they’ll suggest a proper setup.

Hi everyone, I solved the issue about import vendors through a plugin WP All Import by using custom code. I will try to describe in a short time what we did, my colleague was working on this. If you can, feel free to contact me.

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