Indicate paid listings package type for vendors/users/visitors

When vendors choose a package for listings, in each listings page it must show type and name of paid listings package. Also users and visitors can see the type of packages and can choose premium paid listings or free listings in search filter.

It must shows in backend and frontend to all admins,vendors,users and visitors

For example:
Listing #1554 (Free Package)
Listing #5432 (Premium Package)
Listing #1132 (Free Package)
Listing #1876 (Star :star: Package)

Thanks for your feedback, we plan to improve this in future versions, by showing the listing expiration date and the package it was added with.

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Thanks, also please add unique listing ID (Ads ID) for reference and users and vendors can search for ID in search in frontend and backend and users can see this reference ID for Ads.

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