Mobile layout issues

Hello Andrii! a great day!

Some time ago I acquired the complete package of Hivepress, and I had questioned whether it was possible to display the images of providers and services also in the mobile version as it happens on the desktop.

I had asked if they could help me with this, and had received a positive response, but understanding the high demand you receive, I tried to resolve the situation my way without having to bother you! however

I have tried in several ways, including breaking one of the sites that I unfortunately did. can you help me to end this need? I have tried every way but failed successively.

I would like the mobile to be the same as the desktop, because even the numbers appear displaced

I’ll send some prints so you can understand. If you can help me I would be extremely grateful as it would mean a lot to us! thank you very much and have a great week

Att. Lucas


Sorry, there’s no simple code snippet for this, it would require a custom implementation. If customizations beyond the available features are required for your site, please consider hiring someone for custom work:

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