Not show images when categories are listed

I would like to have my categories showing as a list without an image against each category. Could anyone advise. With thanks, Sharville

If you mean delete category block/page image then please try to remove image for category in Image in Listings/Categories/Edit category where you want to remove image

Hi yevhen, Thanks for your message. I cannot see where to turn off an image as suggested. I will be having more than 60 categories and want to display them without an image for each one. I currently have no images selected but there still shows up a grey panel where and image would be on each category. Is there a way to turn off these grey panels?
With thanks, Chris Sharville

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Sorry for the confusion, there’s no such layout for the Categories block at the moment - this would require customizations. You can also check third-party plugins that support listing custom taxonomies (categories are implemented as a “hp_listing_category” taxonomy in WordPress so other plugins should detect it).
If you’re familiar with customizations please try tweaking the category layouts with CSS, you can also check our other themes (some have icon-based category layouts) or hire someone for customizations on Fiverr.
Hope this helps.

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Hi Yevhen,
Thanks for your comments. I will try the CSS route first.
Kind regards, Chris

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