Please add login required feature for attributes

Introducing login required (optional) feature while creating attributes will be a good addition.

Please share more details about the required functionality, do you mean requiring registration to view the attribute value?

Yes !
For example we make phone number attribute login required.
So not signed in users will have to sign up or sign in to view phone number value.

I think you can do this on your own with some CSS changes.

First find the uniq css class for the element you want to hide . Lets say it is β€œ.listing-attribute-one”

body:not(.logged-in) .listing-attribute-one {
display: none;

Try to add this and see if it works.


Please check this code snippet Make social link reveal with a membership offer - #23 by ihor

If you are not familiar with code customization please try to use the HivePress Memberships extension Memberships - Charge users for viewing listings | HivePress Extensions or please consider hiring someone for custom work

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