Found the solution, trying now to do the same with the search results, will update if succeeded.
// Initialize session if not already started
if (!session_id()) {
function($orderby, $query){
if ( $query->get( 'post_type' ) === 'hp_listing' && is_post_type_archive('hp_listing') && empty($_GET['_sort']) ) {
if (isset($_SESSION['listing_seed'])) {
$seed = $_SESSION['listing_seed'];
} else {
$seed = time(); // Use the current timestamp as the seed
$_SESSION['listing_seed'] = $seed;
$orderby = "RAND($seed)";
return $orderby;
Just a short explanation about the code: it will randomize the order for the session, this way it will not show the same listings on other pages and the next time visiting the site it will randomize again.