RentalHive + equipment


On the RentalHive theme introduction: RentalHive - Rental marketplace WordPress theme | HivePress Themes it shows the posiliblity of using RentalHive for tools and equipment but the demo content import makes it a property rental site. Where do I get the settings for Tools and equipment?


The “real estate” demo content is used just as an example. There’s no other demo content at the moment.

On the RentalHive landing page, we showed screenshots from other niches just to show customers that RentalHive is not limited to any specific niche because there are no predefined categories, fields or search filters.

So, you can easily create an “equipment rental” website using RentalHive by simply adding new categories, custom listings fields and niche-specific search filters.

Also, we recommend checking out the complete RentalHive course to get a better idea of how everything works

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