RentalHive theme complete order status by Vendor and not buyer

Have the rental hive theme as a base for my site, I have tested the ordering as buyer and as the seller/vendor. But cant complete order status as seller can only cancel booking or send message to the buyer. Only buyer can complete order which doesnt make sense because seller/vendor supposed to complete order or send complete or status to buyer confirming the job or order has been done. How do i make it so that the seller/vendor can send complete order status/message to buyer ?

If you use RentalHive for selling some online services via the Marketplace extension, and not primarily via Bookings, then please enable the order delivery in HivePress/Settings/Orders. Then sellers will be able to mark orders as Delivered once they complete the order, and buyers will get a notification that the order is ready - then they can agree with the result and Complete it, Reject the delivery or even Dispute the order is something’s wrong and notify the admin.

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Yevhen thank you very much, don’t know how i missed that XD.

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