Tags is filter sidebar - renaming and placeholder

  1. Can “tags” be renamed in the filter sidebar for listings?
  2. Can you set placeholder text for the tags search in the filter sidebar?

I can’t find an existing snippet for either of these.

Thanks, SM

  1. Tags can be renamed only by admins in Listings/Tags or vendors can add new tags while creating/editing a listing

  2. Please try this PHP snippet

	function ($form){
			$form['fields']['tags']['placeholder'] = 'Your custom text here';
		return $form;

Thanks. For tags, I meant renaming the label for Tags on the filter form. Can I do that?

If you want to change the Tags label only in the listing filter form then please try this PHP snippet

	function ($form){
			$form['fields']['tags']['label'] = 'Your custom text here';
		return $form;

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