Typing the time in the hour attribute requires pressing enter

Hello !

I have a problem selecting the hour and minute with the default check-in attribute. When I want to enter the opening time when creating an ad, I am obliged after selecting the hour and minutes to press the Enter key to validate the selection, otherwise it will be deleted. resets to 00:00. My first users complained about this problem, which annoyed them a little.



How can I make the selection effective with a simple click outside the hours:minutes field (drop-down list)? Click-outside event?

Thank you for any solution you can give me.


We checked this issue from our side, and it seems okay. Please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, make sure that caching is disabled for logged-in users. If this issue exists, please provide more details (e.g., your actions step by step with screenshots, etc.). This will help us to reproduce and resolve the issue faster.

In order to isolate any compatibility issues with my existing installation, I:

  • deactivate all plugins except Hivepress ones
  • empty all contents of my htaccess file
  • empty all contents of my functions.php file
  • remove all scripts added to the footer.php file
  • removed all additions in style.css file

All that remains is the Hivepress installation in the latest version on my Debian 12.5 with Apache in version 2.4.57, PHP 8.2.7 and MySQL in v15.1.

I will therefore explain the problem to you again in detail, but if you also need a video I can make it. I can also provide you with access to the site in order to carry out your tests.

When I select the hour or minutes in the field provided for this purpose in the attributes (drop-down list), these are not preserved.

Here I choose 00:30 :

I exit the field with a click outside and end up with 00:00:

For hours, it only works if I use the little selection sliders. If I do a manual entry, it doesn’t save.

The only way to keep hours and minutes is to press the Enter key after choosing the time.

This is very restrictive for users who must post their ad and indicate their opening and closing hours.

Thanks in advance.


Please provide more details so that we can test everything in detail. What browser are you using? (write the version and name) What device are you testing on? Because everything is working correctly on our side.

the problem still occurred on my side, so I think it’s a compatibility issue with a recent version of a Debian package. Concerning the web browser, here is still some version information (but it changes regularly):

  • Firefox 123.0.1
  • Chromium 122.0.6261.112
  • Edge 122.0.2365.80
    The tests were carried out on many PCs, ours and those of our future customers, but the observation remains the same, the bug is present on all workstations and all web browsers.

Do I give you vendor access to my site?

Please give me a solution to this bug or an indication of the presence of these drop-down lists in the code so that I can evolve them to correct this compatibility problem.


We checked this issue from our side, and it seems okay. Please try to test it by using the test local site, you can view this doc: Quick Start - HivePress Help Center

I understood that on your side there were no problems, only that does not solve mine (with a fresh installation of Apache on a Debian). There is necessarily a compatibility problem between a package and this drop-down list functionality for time selection.
Andrii, perhaps we should contact a Hivepress developer for more information ?
Because the objective is not to reinstall an infrastructure with another host, but to understand the incompatibility with the current infrastructure!
If you do not wish to solve this problem despite the support contract subscribed to then please give me the location in the code of these two drop-down lists.

Sorry for the confusion, Andrii meant that the server software is not related to this issue and it’s something on the client side since the time field is implemented in JS. It’s either some conflict with other plugins or customizations on your site (loaded JS scripts), or specific settings and extensions in the browser you’re using.

I recommend installing the theme locally https://localwp.com/ to check if this issue persists, if not then the issue is not with the browser version, settings or extensions, but with something specific to your hosted website.

We use this JS script for implementing the time field Examples - flatpickr

Hope this helps.

Hi Ihor,

Thank you very much for your feedback. This quickly allowed me to see that the bug was on the version of flatpick you are using in hivepress (4.6.13). I found on the web that this problem had been resolved in version 4.6.3, so I upgraded the version of flatpick (UNPKG - flatpickr ) and the problem is resolved.

You can close and I think I will rather integrate this new version into your next updates.

thanks again

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