Vendor sidebar

Hi, it is possbile to move the vendor sidebar from left to bottom after classified ad?

Please try using this PHP snippet Change the vendor position (order) on the single listing page #hivepress #listings · GitHub

Did not work… what more can I test? Some css display:block?

Please clarify if you mean a single vendor page or a single listing page?

Single listing page.

Please try this PHP snippet

	function ($template){
		return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
				'blocks' => [
					'page_sidebar' => [
						'blocks' => [
							'listing_vendor' => [
								'type' => 'content',
					'page_footer' => [
						'blocks' => [
							'listing_vendor' => [
								'type'     => 'template',
								'template' => 'vendor_view_block',
								'_label'   => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'vendor' ),
								'_order'   => 1000,

Great, but how to move everything from sidebar to bottom, including the listing attributes? I would like to have the main classified area with 100% width.

Please try this CSS snippet

.hp-template--listing-view-page .hp-page__content, .hp-template--listing-view-page .hp-page__sidebar{
	-ms-flex-preferred-size: 100% !important;
	flex-basis: 100% !important;
	max-width: 100% !important;
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Thank you very much!

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