View Host Categories

How setup the Host Categories Views? I need that HomePage shows the Categories by the Hosts. How can I do this?

I write the Host categories but now i requiere show in the homepage and the user clic at the category, he(she) can to view the host for that category.

Vendor categories don’t have a specific block (like listing categories do) yet, but we plan to add this. If you want to add vendor category links to the home page you can use any block that allows adding linked images, or any third-party block or widget that supports custom taxonomies (vendor categories are implemented as a hp_vendor_category taxonomy).

Thanks for your answer. We need this block about of vendor category. When could we have this?

There’s no ETA for this feature yet, but it has a high priority and we plan to update HivePress within 1-2 weeks max.


Thanks for your answer.

Really We need this update. We remain attentive to this change

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