Add contact form to listing page

Hi I need to add a contact form that I have a shortcode for under the description on the individual listing page. At the moment I have it in the side bar as a widget but I want it below the main content not in the side bar.


You can overwrite the listing template in HivePress > Templates without code, please check this doc How to customize templates - HivePress Help Center, and thus add custom content to this template. Alternatively, you can add custom content to this template using PHP snippets.

Hi I tried this but I cannot get the Leave a Review button on the template - currently there is a leave a review which allows a person to review the listing for the company but I cannot see how to add this in to the template as there is no such block.


I see. Then we recommend using the hook hivepress/v1/templates/listing_view_page, you can check samples here Search · user:hivepress templates · GitHub, with this you can add any block or delete it.

I believe this will be useful to you.

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