Add GUMROAD payment integration

ListingHive user here,
since i am located in a God forsaken place where there are NONE payment processors, no paypal and NO STRIPE available (to integrate with WOOCOMMERCE), i figured out that the best way to function with my site would be to charge the users through GUMROAD (why gumroad you ask? it is the ONLY place that supports my sad little country)

I am wondering if it is possible to setup a process (through custom API calls or / zapier or WHATEVER AT THIS POINT) to trick woocommerce into acknowledging those sales and to reward the said user with a listing package (AS IF THE SALE WENT THROUGH WOOCOMMERCE / DEFAULT PROCEDURE)

I have made some basic integration using “” but upon collecting the transaction details from Gumroad and passing them to woocommerce, a order with status “completed” is created but the user with the corresponding email is NOT rewarded with a package…

Is this even possible?
Thank you in advance,
~ a sad dev from a very sad place with 0 banks and 100% corruption/crime


Unfortunately, we can’t provide more details because we haven’t tested this service, but you will need custom integration to make it work: Getting started | Developer Docs

Please point me to where the logic for payments for woocommerce products/listing packages occurs, im having a really HARD TIME to figure out how this theme handles PAYMENTS and how it processes LISTING CREATION.

Is the order ID important?
Is the USER EMAIL important?
Is the user getting a custom id ?
What is important?
What is not?
Thank you for the swift reply <3


We recommend leaving everything as it is, i.e. using WooCommerce logic and integrating Gumroad payments with WooCommerce, here you can see how everything is done in more detail in the code: Gumpress – WordPress plugin | Paid Listings, on the other hand, will check WooCommerce orders for package products and add everything correctly to users, etc.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

My brother in christ, did you just link me a plugin that does nothing aside from replicating whatever products one has on their gumroad account to their woocommerce? :joy:

" here you can see how everything is done in more detail in the code: Gumpress – WordPress plugin |" This has to be an AI generated responce, this cant be REAL :joy::joy::joy:

Imagine someone asked you what makes the car drive/move and you point them to how petrol is extracted from the ground :skull::joy::skull:

I get it, its best to leave the woo-commerce handle it all natively…

Just say that its impossible to handle payments offsite/through non woocommerce means


Andrii meant that it’s much easier to integrate Gumroad payment API with WooCommerce orders that replace all the WooCommerce logic in the Paid Listings extension code. I recommend searching if someone already implemented Gumroad as a WooCommerce payment method (e.g. on and GitHub), and checking its code. If you want to replace the WooCommerce logic in Paid Listings anyway, please check the Paid Listings code on GitHub, the main functions which add or remove listing packages are located in this file hivepress-paid-listings/includes/components/class-listing-package.php at master · hivepress/hivepress-paid-listings · GitHub

Please note that while we can provide general guidance regarding the code or implementing custom features, code customizations are beyond our support scope.

Hope this helps

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