Add images to review

It would be really nice if users could attach images to their reviews. This helps to get more images to the platform, which may otherwise be hard to get - making the user experience nicer.

Thanks for your feedback, we plan to add more review features, for example the next one will allow replying to reviews. Adding images makes sense, most platforms like Yelp or Tripadvisor have this feature.


Any date when this feature will be added?


This option has been added to the RoadMap, and we plan to add it this half of the year: Reviews Roadmap (01/03/2024) – Asana.

upvote for this.


The images in reviews would be a really cool feature for my website as well. Any ideas when it will be available?

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


We plan to add this feature in the first or second quarter of this year.