Add links to description in front end side

Is it possible to let vendors add links to the description?


link this: Link plugin | Docs | TinyMCE


Please provide more information about where you add this description (for example, when adding a description in the listing, it is possible to add a hyperlink without additional code).

@andrii I want to have the add link button in the menu off the editor.
Adding a hyperlink doesn’t work, see this link

like this:


Please try this PHP snippet:

	function ($field_args, $field){
		$html = hivepress()->helper->get_array_value($field_args, 'html');
		$field_args['editor'] = [
			'toolbar1'    => implode(
			'toolbar2'    => '',
			'toolbar3'    => '',
			'toolbar4'    => '',
			'elementpath' => false,
		return $field_args;

Please note that it can require further customization.

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