Added free and premium listing package
Tap ‘Add Listing’
login screen appears not free and premium packages
Followed steps here. What did I miss?
Thanks in advance…I’m almost there…I think
Added free and premium listing package
Tap ‘Add Listing’
login screen appears not free and premium packages
Followed steps here. What did I miss?
Thanks in advance…I’m almost there…I think
Unfortunately, I do not quite understand what exactly you are interested in, please provide more details and we will try to help.
I think it’s because user has to login before add any listing.
So you restricted the access of adding new listing for log-in user only.
Is that helps ?
Yeah the workflow isn’t great as logins are off-putting to new users.
Have gone with a Stripe membership tier embedded and then handle vendor adding and listing allocation in the backend.
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