I am creating a website with HivePress.
I absolutely love your solution but after browsing the forums and documentation I have several questions:
When will it be possible to add multiple locations to a listing? (I saw that it was in the roadmap). And will it also be possible to add multiple locations to a vendor?
For both, will it be possible to create a paid package that allows users to do this? -
Why can’t we mix the “regions” option and the city search with the radius? The “regions” option seems to me essential for creating city/region archives for SEO purposes. But city search with radius also seems essential for the user experience.
Will users soon be able to duplicate a listing from their back-office?
Would it be possible to add vendor packages in addition to listing packages? I was thinking of only allowing users to search for vendors, and by clicking on them they would see their different services (listings). So I would have liked to be able to create a paid package that would allow users to choose whether or not to be displayed in the search results.
Thanks for reading,