Add shopping cart support

Hi there team HP

There are a few topics regarding the Woo shopping cart but no commitment yet.
Any indication as to a timeline for this feature as it would be best if a user can book accommodation, trips/excursions and equipment in the same payment process?

Thanks for your feedback. There’s no ETA for this feature yet, currently all the marketplace calculations assume that each order contains items from the same vendor, also refunding and managing orders that contain items from different vendors would be more complex.

Hi ihor.
That would be a nice feature.
Any news on this?

Best Regards.


Unfortunately, there is no exact ETA yet, but we will try to release it as soon as possible.

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Hi there Team HivePress

Any movements on this topic as its been 22 moths since I started it, and I’m almost certain I couldn’t have been the first requesting it.

I have recently been looking at moving away from HivePress because of this very feature that would improve things tremendously in our use case, but moving to Listeo>Dokan>WooCommerce and even WC Vendors>WooCommerce just doesn’t quite do for me what HivePress does. Why recreate the wheel, when the current one possibly just needs some fine-tuning/balancing, and we have to date spent quite a bit on customizations done for our use case by you yourself.

Whilst on the topic of customization, has HivePress sorted the staffing issues out yet to be able to offer customization services gain? I haven’t actively been monitoring all things HivePress for quite some time as I was exploring alternative options due to the lack of this cart function for one, but I’d like to get back to and keep HivePressing again… :thinking:


Thank you for your feedback. There is no exact information yet, as this feature is still in the backlog and hasn’t even been added to the Roadmap, so I can’t even give you an estimate at this time. As soon as we start working on this feature, it will be added to the Roadmap, so you can keep an eye on it. Also, if you need this feature urgently, I recommend considering hiring experts: Customize your website | HivePress