Add text to listing page

The listing is assigned to a page on the website. But that is all that can be on that page. I’d like to add an introduction to the top of the page before this plugin is listed.

So the page would be:

<Hivepress in all its glory with the listings and categories, etc>


Please send a screenshot of where you would like to add the text and we will try to help.

So we choose a page to display the listings. We have a regular web page populated with the listings. I’d like an introduction at the top. Here’s a screen shot of how I’d like it to display:


I see. I recommend overwriting this template in HivePress > Templates using this documentation: How to customize templates - HivePress Help Center so you can add text.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thanks for this. The template should help – I just can’t find the front end. Once the template is made, where is it on the front end? It’s not listed as a page, when I press save, there’s no option to see the live page… On the video in the tutorial something magical happens between minute 1:05 and 1:06 that I just can’t figure out. Please help!
Thank you for all of your time

Basically, you recreate a page, in this case, with the blocks enabling you to mimick the default listings page + your custom header.

As you save, the new listing page become available on your front end.
Of course, you would need to update your navigation accordingly.


Unfortunately, there is no such feature as displaying the default template when you overwrite it in HivePress > Templates. As for the video, at 1:05, it shows the template itself, as it looks overwritten from the side of the block in HivePress > Templates, and at 1:06, it already shows the Listings page itself after overwriting the template.

I’m so confused. I know I’m missing a super obvious step, but I just can’t figure out what it is. I’d like there it be an introduction on the webpage that presents the listings. I can create this in templates, but then how does that template page appear? Is it suppose to appear in HivePress>Settings>page listing options ??

The new listing page is suppose to become available on the front end, but I don’t see that it did.

I guess my question is, what’s the url — ??

Any advice is thoroughly appreciated


Your screenshot shows the listings page (this is the Listings template). If you overwrite this Listings template in HivePress > Templates, only the appearance will change, not the links. If you have added one, you will be able to access this page using the same link (by clicking the search button on the main page or just the Listings menu item). There is an example of this page on the demo version: Listings – ListingHive