Add the calendar block to the booking page template

I am using the booking addon and it outputs by default on the single listing view but when I take control of that view with the template override I’m not sure how to get the booking calendar back in place on the single listing view. I don’t see any blocks or anything to add it back. Any ideas?

Also, similarly, when using the booking addon, can I add a date search to the filters on the listing archive view for that category so people can search available dates? I am not seeing how to accomplish this with the attributes setup. Thanks!


The block of the booking form is a booking form with the date picker, it should be displayed after overriding the template, please check in more detail.

If you mean the Dates filter in the Search bar, you can add this in HivePress > Settings > Listings > Default Fields, but please note that it does not work with time slots and multiple places per booking feature.

Ah ok, got it on both, thanks!

Follow up question, can I modify the request to book form to include first name, last name, email and phone?


You can add a phone field using customized attributes in Bookings > Attributes (How to add booking attributes - HivePress Help Center) or transfer the name and surname from the user form using an additional code snippet and make them mandatory.

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