Add video conferencing to booking extension

It would be amazing if you could add video conferencing (e.g., Zoom or Google Meet) to the bookings extension. But I’m not sure how that would interact with WooCommerce. Could we still use the free WooCommerce or would be have to go the paid WooCommerce bookings plugin (see below).

I’m hoping to create a setup where people can click on a listing, book a time to speak with the vendor to fulfil that listing, pay for that time (30 min slot), and receive a video conferencing link with their order confirmation to speak with the vendor that posted the listing at the booked time.


We plan to add Zoom integration in the next updates. You can follow it here Zoom integration with booking
Unfortunately, we haven’t tested this plugin from WooCommerce, so we can’t provide information on whether it is fully compatible.

That’s great news @andrii! Is there a timeline for the next update?


We plan to release the update by the end of the month.

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