Adding tooltips in "Add New Listing" form

Hello, I am looking for a way to add tooltips in the “Add New Listing” form. So that it uses the text I enter in the optional description field in the listing attributes.

Is that possible somehow?

Hi! If I understand correctly, you want to show some notes for your users, because the traditional “tooltip” is a little boxt with some text what only appears when you hovering over an element.
I’am just use an attribute for my website’s “rules”
For e.g: add an attribute with name: Rules
and add this code into the “Description” field, and customize it.

<p style="color:white;background-color:#ff0503;padding: 5px">Please read this before you place an advertising here <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Click here to read more</a>Write here, what you want to show for your users.<br>Thank you!</p>

in the “Placeholder” field you can write something, for e.g: Yes, I understand

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Ah, perfect. I did not know that I can use HTML/CSS in the description field.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

You can’t use css, just the html formatting codes “style=” and yes, you can use some, but not all the html.

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