Admin creating listings need to buy package?

Hi there,
I would like to understand a feature.
As a Wordpress admin, I am trying to create a listing using listinghive. I have woo commerce enabled and multiple packages available to buy from. When I try to create a listing as an admin, I am asked to select a package, is that the expected behavior? I can create listings from the WP dashboard without issue, this only happens using the listinghive UI.



Yes, this is the expected behavior since you essentially have vendor rights through the front end and administrator rights through the back end. Therefore, the easiest option is to add a listing or package through the backend.

ā€‹I hope this is helpful to you.

Ok, thanks for clarifying the behavior!

Or use coupon code to get 100% discount for admin. :sweat_smile:

Ha, good to know! how do you do that?

Hello @luna,

Here :

Please note : You may need to activate coupon on WooCommerce settings first.


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