Allow Partially refunds only for admins

I have a question about partially refunds.
Only Vendors can do Partially refunds?
If admin go to the order cannot do a partially refund?


Please provide more details on what exactly you mean, as any user who has purchased a listing can make a refund.

For what I know, I can activate partially refunds on Hive, and Vendors, can do a partially refund, they insert the value they want to refund.
I don’t like that because Vendor doesn’t know the percentage that should be refunded. So I deactivate the partially refunds on Hive.
I would like to know if for an admin, when goes to order and instead of doing a refund, if there is some way of doing a partially refund.


I see. The easiest option is to disable the vendor refunds function in the settings, then you as an admin will be able to choose whether to refund partially or in full from the WP Dashboard How to enable refunds - HivePress Help Center.

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