Allow users to import new tags

Hi. How can I allow users to import new tags ? When they importing listings (We’re using Hivepress Import plugin), they can only import existing tags (importing says “Accepts any of these values:”).
I’ve tried when I add a new tag it doesn’t save. How can I solve this ?


Unfortunately, there’s no such feature, it would require a custom implementation, but thanks for your suggestion, we’ll consider adding this feature.

That’s a bug. Because users can add new tags, that implies that they should be able to add import time as well.
Please support me to make customization or add this future for new updates.

Also, I noticed that the tags added from the list during editing from admin panel are not saved, only the new ones.
I disabled all plugins except hivepress and hivepress tags, also changed child theme to main theme, but the bug still exist.
I recorded my screen WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free


Regarding tags, please check this doc How to set listing tags - HivePress Help Center

I’m editing from WP Dashboard > Listings > Edit Listing section, what I’m doing wrong ?


Unfortunately, we could not reproduce the issue locally. Please provide more details (your actions step by step and we will try to help).

I made a screen video and sent it WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free, also I disabled all other plugins

Thanks, the bug with tags is confirmed, this will be fixed in the next Import extension update. Let me know if there are other issues related to the built-in functionality.

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