Allow vendors to create and sell monthly booking subscriptions

Hi! I would need an option where each vendor can list and sell several “subscriptions”. The idea is to make a marketplace where the costumers pay a subscription for services like room rent, car rent, even cleaning services. The subscription should be renewed automatically each week/month/year until a client or vendor decide to cancel it. Thanks!

Thanks for your feedback, we’ll consider adding this feature to Bookings and Marketplace.


I would also like this. In my use case I’m doing condo rentals that can be anywhere from 1 month to 12 months. What would be good would be to be able to have an option for customers to pay a small reservation fee then be charged a subscription monthly (paying rent) for the duration of their committed stay.

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Thanks, we’ll check this and probably add a new booking mode for monthly payments, you can share more details about the use case - if I understand correctly you charge one-time commission fee and then hosts get recurring monthly payments via your platform?

I think this option is unuseful guys just think about it. if the guest is already inside the property so he can extend the reservation and order services directly from the host he doesn’t need the website to do this.

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Any news? Looks like it hasn’t been implemented in the latest updates… (:

Yes, unfortunately this one wasn’t included to the recent update but we’ll try to implement this as soon as it’s possible.

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Any Update? Sir

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Yes a lot of people waiting on this one :slight_smile: And fix dates on booking time slots when possible. Thank u devs!

Sorry for the late reply. We’re currently arranging a roadmap for HivePress and all extensions, we’ll publish it with estimates so the development process will be more predictable. The monthly subscription feature has a high priority in any case.

Hi Ihor - Is there a link to the development roadmap?

+1 for recurring service bookings


You can find the HivePress roadmap in the header menu of our website (HivePress Roadmap (01/03/2024) – Asana) and on the pages of corresponding extensions

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